Waiting for sister #4!

Sunday, January 22, 2012
I am Here and I am Mommy!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Saturday Sweets
Sweet #1
Dossier shipping to China!!!! I was so excited when our last piece of paperwork came back on Monday from being authenticated! We sent it overnight to Holt in Oregon and since that completed our dossier, they were able to send it to China on Friday. We started collecting paperwork for this dossier in June, so that tells you how long of a process it has been. Every paper in there has to be notarized, certified by the State of Nebraska, and authenticated by the Secretary of State and Chinese Consulate in Washington DC. I had a lot to learn to figure all that out, but little by little, got it all done. As soon as they told me it shipped, I started getting nervous about it getting to China. That is A LOT of original paperwork that would be devastating if it got lost in shipping. That is when I decided to give it all over to God. Every time I start to worry about it, I say a little prayer about every hand and plane and truck (or whatever) that has to touch that paperwork that it would be able to be delivered safely!
Sweet #2
"Freefridgerfrator".....my new favorite word that Callie says. We got a new refrigerator this week. If you can be in love with an appliance, I think I might be! It is the first "new" refrigerator that Matt and I have had since we have been married. It's so nice to open it up and be able to see everything and not wonder what part of it will fall off next. :) I think my favorite part is watching Callie get her crushed ice from it. She gets a stool, pushes in her cup to get ice with one hand, and blocks the ice from getting in her face with the other hand. It is quite hilarious!
Sweet #3
Seeing Sydney have so much fun with her friend. Sydney has a friend, Laney, that she plays with probably once a week. They like to have play dates that almost always turn into a sleepover, as long as it isn't a school night. That is totally fine with me! It is fun to watch them grow up and scheme to see if they will be able to get away with asking for another play date or something. When Sydney's dear friend, Sofia, moved it was so hard on Sydney (and still is!) So, it has been nice to see her connect with another girl that is so sweet!
Sweet #4
Amy's Chewy Granola Bars. I was reminded of this recipe again this week so I made them. It is a recipe from one of my friends in Minnesota. Her name is Amy Young, but my family lovingly calls her Amy Yum because there are two recipes in particular that we love from her! Actually, I don't know if I love them or hate them. I love them because they are so good and I know all the ingredients that go into them. But, because they are "healthy" I can't stop eating them. Therefore, I also hate them!
Sweet #5
The bible app on my phone. I have an app that has lots of reading plans on it. I started using a chronological condensed plan that I love! My phone reminds me to do it every day at 1:00 (usually Callie's nap time.) Since I have that reminder, I don't have the excuse of forgetting to do my quiet time. And, my phone will even read it out loud to me if I want it to. Technology is amazing!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Crazy Cute Callie
A lot of people don't like the toddler years. Not me! I would say that it is my favorite stage of life. They are so sweet and precious and say the cutest things. Callie is such a fun three year old. Don't get me wrong, she can have an attitude like all the rest, but for the most part, she is so fun and funny! One of my favorite sayings that she uses right now is, "Use your words!" I wonder where she has learned that? She won't accept a head nod or an umm hmm....she wants me to say, "yes, Callie, you can do that." I think she wants to make very sure that she is not going to get in trouble!
Some cute things she has said that I don't want to forget:
When we are driving somewhere, Callie is constantly asking Matt, "Daddy, are we on the road?" As if she doesn't trust his driving!
At the movie theater we were watching all the commercials and Callie said "I wish we had a remote!" We record everything she watches, so she is not used to all those commercials.
Out of the blue one morning, Callie said, "I am pretty again today, daddy. You better get your camera!"
One morning she looked at a magazine that had Halloween stuff in it. I said, "Did you like it?" She said, "No, it gave me a heart attack!"
"I love you better than ice cream!" She said that completely out of the blue and I felt pretty loved considering how much she likes ice cream. :)
Callie: "I am going to get rid of my junk, ok mommy!" Ok, Callie. So, she goes in her room and starts throwing out all the toys she doesn't want anymore into the hallway. I am vacuuming while she is doing this and she says, "Don't mow over my stuff, mommy!"
I really wish I could freeze her in time and keep her at this age. But, I guess I have to let her grow up. So, I will try to appreciate every moment I get with her....every giggle, snuggle, hug, laugh, cute look, and funny quote!